Guidelines for group contacts And Setting up new groups
Updated March 2024
Most of our TWu3a groups have been initiated by the members.
Would you like to start a group, or maybe take over an existing group?
The Groups Co-ordinator is your first port of call when you want to find out what help and support is available. They can arrange to publicise the idea in the newsletter, at general meetings, and on social media. They then organise and attend an informal start-up meeting with all interested parties to agree the basic aims of the group and set you up with a link to use Beacon.
At the start-up meeting, members will need to agree on a name for the group, the venue and structure of group meetings (which may be activity based, indoor or outdoor), the minimum/maximum membership, and any costs that are to be shared. (A list of possible venues around Tunbridge Wells is available on our Beacon database.)
Will the group contact always lead or will the group learn to manage itself, as many do, with members taking take it in turn to organise, and offer topics or places to visit/explore? We would advise that there are 2 group contacts who share the role of group contact or there is a ‘deputy’ who could step in to arrange meetings if necessary.
Beacon Database
Lists of all groups, members' names and contact details are kept on TWu3a’s Beacon database. Every TWu3a member should have access to an accurate groups list, so please keep the Beacon database up to date.
Group contacts are the link between group members and the TWu3a committee. Communication between the group, their names, the contact and the committee is not simply an expectation, it is a must. Group lists are to be kept up-to-date and regularly shared with the committee.
Advice about using Beacon is offered and given by the TWu3a Beacon Team.
Full groups
The group contact is to tell the Groups Co-ordinator when their group becomes full, and certainly when an application to join cannot be accommodated, in which case the Groups Co-ordinator will explore the possibility of starting another group. Waiting lists must be kept on the Beacon database and shared with the Groups Co-ordinator.
Group safety
It is important that the group contact, or the person organising a meeting, completes and keeps copies of a risk assessment, particularly for a group that engages in physical activities. A single risk assessment may suffice for all activities of a group, if their nature does not change over time, with its occasional review, as well as appropriate adjustment for one-off activities. Copies of blank risk assessments (for different sorts of activity) can be downloaded from the TWu3a website (see The Small Print page of this website).
Groups should be particularly attentive to member safety when they are engaged in an activity that may spread members over a significant distance, such as on a walk; a member is most likely to be needed to take on the role of a ‘backstop’.
Group contacts should also make members aware of the nature and constraints of any outing they are planning. Members then need to make a self-assessment of the suitability of any outing and their participation, bearing in mind their own capabilities and state of health.
It is strongly advised that no other TWu3a member present should administer medication except on instruction of the emergency services.
Group contacts should be aware that the insurance cover provided by the Third Age Trust only applies to paid-up members. Depending on circumstances, the insurance company may also decline to accept liability for all members of a group in the event of a claim where one or more participants have not paid their annual subscription. In the event of any claim being pursued, then a group that has evidence of a risk assessment is very likely to be better placed to demonstrate its duty of care, and positively affect the outcome, than a group that has not prepared one.
Incident report
In the event of an incident during a group meeting, an Incident Report form must be completed, and returned without delay to the Executive Committee Secretary. A copy can be downloaded from the TWu3a website (Incident Report Form). There is also a downloadable Complaints procedure document (see The Small Print page). Otherwise, contact the Groups Co-ordinator for advice.
Interest Group meetings
If group meetings are held in private homes, ask your members to advise the host if they are not be able to attend a meeting so that seating and refreshment arrangements can be adjusted. Also note that group members are requested to contribute to the costs incurred by the host in providing refreshment, currently 50p per person.
In the interests of effective communication, groups contacts are requested to pass on to their members any relevant information they receive from the Executive Committee.
Group member attendance at interest group meetings
If a member frequently misses a group meeting, it prevents use of the available place by someone else. Group contacts need to follow up with the member and mutually decide on their continued membership of the group.
Use of private cars
Personal car insurance will cover group members who give lifts to others, provided that no profit is made.
Where lifts are given, the group may wish to discuss whether passengers should contribute towards fuel costs. Members in need of lifts should take responsibility for making the arrangements and for ensuring that any agreed contribution is made.
Hall hire
To gain the protection of the insurance cover provided to TWu3a by The Third Age Trust, all hall or coach hire must be made in the name of TWu3a. Please contact the Executive Committee Secretary if a booking is planned.
Some TWu3a groups have changed their formats or meeting places, others use Zoom/Skype, Facebook, and other 'remote meeting' facilities.
The TWu3a possesses laptop computers and multi-media players, which can be employed to show digitised slides and performances on CD, etc. The Audio Visual (AV) team is also able to support hybrid meetings for the monthly talks and can offer general AV advice.
Although groups are usually financially self-sufficient, if a group wishes to buy equipment using TWu3a funds, application will need to be made to the Executive Committee after consultation with the Groups Co-ordinator. Such equipment would, if purchase is approved, become the property of TWu3a.
And finally…
Two-way communication is very valuable, so if you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Groups Co-ordinator.
Updated March 2024
Most of our TWu3a groups have been initiated by the members.
Would you like to start a group, or maybe take over an existing group?
The Groups Co-ordinator is your first port of call when you want to find out what help and support is available. They can arrange to publicise the idea in the newsletter, at general meetings, and on social media. They then organise and attend an informal start-up meeting with all interested parties to agree the basic aims of the group and set you up with a link to use Beacon.
At the start-up meeting, members will need to agree on a name for the group, the venue and structure of group meetings (which may be activity based, indoor or outdoor), the minimum/maximum membership, and any costs that are to be shared. (A list of possible venues around Tunbridge Wells is available on our Beacon database.)
Will the group contact always lead or will the group learn to manage itself, as many do, with members taking take it in turn to organise, and offer topics or places to visit/explore? We would advise that there are 2 group contacts who share the role of group contact or there is a ‘deputy’ who could step in to arrange meetings if necessary.
Beacon Database
Lists of all groups, members' names and contact details are kept on TWu3a’s Beacon database. Every TWu3a member should have access to an accurate groups list, so please keep the Beacon database up to date.
Group contacts are the link between group members and the TWu3a committee. Communication between the group, their names, the contact and the committee is not simply an expectation, it is a must. Group lists are to be kept up-to-date and regularly shared with the committee.
Advice about using Beacon is offered and given by the TWu3a Beacon Team.
Full groups
The group contact is to tell the Groups Co-ordinator when their group becomes full, and certainly when an application to join cannot be accommodated, in which case the Groups Co-ordinator will explore the possibility of starting another group. Waiting lists must be kept on the Beacon database and shared with the Groups Co-ordinator.
Group safety
It is important that the group contact, or the person organising a meeting, completes and keeps copies of a risk assessment, particularly for a group that engages in physical activities. A single risk assessment may suffice for all activities of a group, if their nature does not change over time, with its occasional review, as well as appropriate adjustment for one-off activities. Copies of blank risk assessments (for different sorts of activity) can be downloaded from the TWu3a website (see The Small Print page of this website).
Groups should be particularly attentive to member safety when they are engaged in an activity that may spread members over a significant distance, such as on a walk; a member is most likely to be needed to take on the role of a ‘backstop’.
Group contacts should also make members aware of the nature and constraints of any outing they are planning. Members then need to make a self-assessment of the suitability of any outing and their participation, bearing in mind their own capabilities and state of health.
It is strongly advised that no other TWu3a member present should administer medication except on instruction of the emergency services.
Group contacts should be aware that the insurance cover provided by the Third Age Trust only applies to paid-up members. Depending on circumstances, the insurance company may also decline to accept liability for all members of a group in the event of a claim where one or more participants have not paid their annual subscription. In the event of any claim being pursued, then a group that has evidence of a risk assessment is very likely to be better placed to demonstrate its duty of care, and positively affect the outcome, than a group that has not prepared one.
Incident report
In the event of an incident during a group meeting, an Incident Report form must be completed, and returned without delay to the Executive Committee Secretary. A copy can be downloaded from the TWu3a website (Incident Report Form). There is also a downloadable Complaints procedure document (see The Small Print page). Otherwise, contact the Groups Co-ordinator for advice.
Interest Group meetings
If group meetings are held in private homes, ask your members to advise the host if they are not be able to attend a meeting so that seating and refreshment arrangements can be adjusted. Also note that group members are requested to contribute to the costs incurred by the host in providing refreshment, currently 50p per person.
In the interests of effective communication, groups contacts are requested to pass on to their members any relevant information they receive from the Executive Committee.
Group member attendance at interest group meetings
If a member frequently misses a group meeting, it prevents use of the available place by someone else. Group contacts need to follow up with the member and mutually decide on their continued membership of the group.
Use of private cars
Personal car insurance will cover group members who give lifts to others, provided that no profit is made.
Where lifts are given, the group may wish to discuss whether passengers should contribute towards fuel costs. Members in need of lifts should take responsibility for making the arrangements and for ensuring that any agreed contribution is made.
Hall hire
To gain the protection of the insurance cover provided to TWu3a by The Third Age Trust, all hall or coach hire must be made in the name of TWu3a. Please contact the Executive Committee Secretary if a booking is planned.
Some TWu3a groups have changed their formats or meeting places, others use Zoom/Skype, Facebook, and other 'remote meeting' facilities.
The TWu3a possesses laptop computers and multi-media players, which can be employed to show digitised slides and performances on CD, etc. The Audio Visual (AV) team is also able to support hybrid meetings for the monthly talks and can offer general AV advice.
Although groups are usually financially self-sufficient, if a group wishes to buy equipment using TWu3a funds, application will need to be made to the Executive Committee after consultation with the Groups Co-ordinator. Such equipment would, if purchase is approved, become the property of TWu3a.
And finally…
Two-way communication is very valuable, so if you have any ideas, suggestions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Groups Co-ordinator.
Updated March 2024