The AGM will be held on Thursday 15th June 2023
at 2.30pm at the Tunbridge Wells Christian Fellowship Hall,
Hanover Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1EY
* it is important that as many members as possible should attend in person or by sending in a proxy form so that we have a quorum.
* Anyone unable to attend who would like to appoint a proxy should obtain a Proxy Notice from Sian Shaw (or phone 07835 300193) who will be standing in for the Hon Secretary at the AGM. Proxy Notices can also be downloaded from the link below. They must be returned to Sian at least 7 days before the AGM.
* Nominations are sought for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary,
Groups Coordinator and Newsletter Editor.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
* The AGM documentation will be available for download (see links below) at least
3 weeks before the meeting and will be sent to all members before the AGM.
* All nominations should be proposed and seconded and sent, together with motions for discussion, to the Hon. Secretary, Fiona Findlay by email or by post to
12 Faraday Lodge, Badger’s Holt, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3DX, no later than 11th May 2023.
The AGM will be followed by strawberries and cream and a glass of bubbly.
We hope as many people as possible will attend. Please send apologies for absence to Sian Shaw or phone her on 07835 300193.
at 2.30pm at the Tunbridge Wells Christian Fellowship Hall,
Hanover Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1EY
* it is important that as many members as possible should attend in person or by sending in a proxy form so that we have a quorum.
* Anyone unable to attend who would like to appoint a proxy should obtain a Proxy Notice from Sian Shaw (or phone 07835 300193) who will be standing in for the Hon Secretary at the AGM. Proxy Notices can also be downloaded from the link below. They must be returned to Sian at least 7 days before the AGM.
* Nominations are sought for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary,
Groups Coordinator and Newsletter Editor.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
* The AGM documentation will be available for download (see links below) at least
3 weeks before the meeting and will be sent to all members before the AGM.
* All nominations should be proposed and seconded and sent, together with motions for discussion, to the Hon. Secretary, Fiona Findlay by email or by post to
12 Faraday Lodge, Badger’s Holt, Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3DX, no later than 11th May 2023.
The AGM will be followed by strawberries and cream and a glass of bubbly.
We hope as many people as possible will attend. Please send apologies for absence to Sian Shaw or phone her on 07835 300193.