The crochet group meets on the 1st Monday pm at Fenwicks cafe and on the 3rd Friday am at the Kitchen Table in Camden Road.
We sometimes work on our own projects but always have a group project in progress as well. This allows us to improve our crocheting and our squares are currently being made into blankets for Refugease.
Contact: Susan Bareham
Be creative, share tips and have a good natter.
Contact: Rita Young
A new sewing group started in September 2023. We meet in one of the member's homes to sew, create, alter clothes, and share ideas and skills. Visits to exhibitions, craft fairs and local craft or material shops are also planned. We also chat via a What'sApp group.
For details: Lindsay Hasell, the groups' co-ordinator.
The crochet group meets on the 1st Monday pm at Fenwicks cafe and on the 3rd Friday am at the Kitchen Table in Camden Road.
We sometimes work on our own projects but always have a group project in progress as well. This allows us to improve our crocheting and our squares are currently being made into blankets for Refugease.
Contact: Susan Bareham
Be creative, share tips and have a good natter.
Contact: Rita Young
A new sewing group started in September 2023. We meet in one of the member's homes to sew, create, alter clothes, and share ideas and skills. Visits to exhibitions, craft fairs and local craft or material shops are also planned. We also chat via a What'sApp group.
For details: Lindsay Hasell, the groups' co-ordinator.