agm 2018
The AGM will be held at the Camden Centre on Thursday 21st June 2018 at 2.30pm.
* Nominations are sought for the positions of Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Vice-Chairman. Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
* A proposal about a minor change to the constitution will be made at the meeting
* The AGM documentation is available for download below, will be sent to all members before the AGM and papers will be available at the meeting.
All nominations should be proposed and seconded and sent, together with motions for discussion, to the Hon. Secretary, Wendy Maher by email or by post to
22 Chancellor House, Mt. Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells TN4 8BT, no later than 31st May 2018
The AGM will be followed by strawberries and cream and a glass of bubbly with a background slideshow of photos taken during the year.
AGM Agenda
Minutes from 2017 AGM
Chairman's Report
Treasurer's Report
The AGM will be held at the Camden Centre on Thursday 21st June 2018 at 2.30pm.
* Nominations are sought for the positions of Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Vice-Chairman. Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
* A proposal about a minor change to the constitution will be made at the meeting
* The AGM documentation is available for download below, will be sent to all members before the AGM and papers will be available at the meeting.
All nominations should be proposed and seconded and sent, together with motions for discussion, to the Hon. Secretary, Wendy Maher by email or by post to
22 Chancellor House, Mt. Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells TN4 8BT, no later than 31st May 2018
The AGM will be followed by strawberries and cream and a glass of bubbly with a background slideshow of photos taken during the year.
AGM Agenda
Minutes from 2017 AGM
Chairman's Report
Treasurer's Report